
Serving Western
Pennsylvania Since 1928
Water Well Abandonment
Did you know that the abandoned wells on your property are a threat to public health and safety and may even threaten groundwater resources? Furthermore, did you know it is your responsibility as the well owner to get these hazards properly sealed and secured? Filling in a well and water well abandonment is no simple matter. If you want the job done safely, give us a call!
Water Well Abandonment
The process of abandoning a well is quite involved. Here are the procedures in a nutshell:
Well characterization: In order to properly abandon the well, the well must be assessed based on construction, geology, and hydrology.
Well preparation: The borehole of the well must be properly cleaned out prior to filling it in.
Materials and methods: The proper materials such as seals or aggregates must be used to properly fill in the borehole.
Reporting: The state must be notified of the intent to fill in a well as well as when the process is completed.